Antigravity muscles
Antigravity muscles (sleeping muscles) go through the entire human body in the form of thin whitish fibers.
Antigravity muscles act as strings in the body. They come from under the feet, upwards the legs, through the body, the hands, the internal organs, vessels and into the brain, making it a whole system.
The role of the antigravity muscles
Antigravity muscles are responsible for three functions:
- Preservation of body shapes,
- Movement speed formation,
- Exactness of body reaction.
When a person has leg or arm cramp – this is the reaction of the antigravity muscles as a pathology. Such spasmodic states occur in the body in various places: near the sexual function, internal organs, heart, lung, brain, etc. Ultrasonography examination show a false tumor. After this tension relaxes, the pain fades away and "the tumor" disappears.
In martial arts while training at first the attention goes to the development of the antigravity muscles. Otherwise, the blows will destruct the antigravity muscles.
In old age, the death of the body begins with the antigravity muscles: a person slouches, deflects its body shape, which leads to a chain of pathologies and death.
A valuable example in understanding the antigravity muscles capabilities were shown by the Soviet athlete Alexander Dityatin. He demonstrated in Moscow in 1980 at the Olympic Games an exercise "Cross", where he was hanging on the hands extended to the sides. Physiologically, under normal trainings that cannot be achieved. The athlete was specially exposed to the antigravity muscles development, using electrical stimuli.
Antigravity muscles are researched in one of the famous neurological centers No.131 in the south-west of Moscow.