The ability of alternative vision in martial arts
It's not a secret that some masters of martial arts can perform actions that are many times greater than the strength of an ordinary...

June 5-6, 2017 Livadia Forum Festival “Great Russian Word”
Within the framework of the 11th International Festival of Russian and Slavic Culture "The Great Russian Word", under the leadership of...

Technique - how to wake up early without an alarm clock
For example, you have to get up early in the morning without an alarm clock. What do I need to do? To project the situation. You lay...

Vyacheslav Bronnikov events "Spiritual and Energetic practices” April 2017 | Saint Petersburg,
I would like to ask you a simple question: What do you think is the difference between a human being and an animal? It's a very simple...

Tantric way of development
The "Tantric way of development” is constructed in such a way that the woman's body belongs to the man, and the man's body belongs to the...

I became pregnant by a dragon at Bronnikov's school!
Vyacheslav Bronnikov is a very well-known Russian researcher for his techniques that allow blind people to see again and sighted people...

The dream is the shift of a human into non-material space.
Non-material space is a project space, where there are 2 processes: 1. The proce

What is The Claw of the Dragon?
This practice transforms the whole human body and true psychic energy inviolability of the body.

Vadim Zeland about the Bronnikov Method. Part 1
As yet, mainstream science is unable to explain or confirm the existence of the alternatives space. Quite the opposite in fact, science...

The most valuable things in life you cannot see with your eyes
In fact, it’s not the blind people that have a problem – It’s us, sighted. We get hung up on our normal vision. We are programmed: if you...